Thursday, March 1, 2007


Greetings y'all. I've decided to blog. To become a blogger. I'm excited. I mostly want a place to talk about fibromyalgia with a little bit of crafty girl stuff and photography tossed into the mix. And every now and then I'll add a dash of feminist theology and life experience. What fun!

I've had fibromyalgia (FM) since I was about 15 years old. So over 20 years now. My first symptoms began to show themselves when I was 20-21 and I became so sick when I was 27-28 that I ended up in the Mayo Clinic in MN and was formally diagnosed at that time. Before that, like most other with FM, I had been told that my pain, etc. was all in my head. Well, the migraines were in my head but the pain was everywhere else and I finally found someone who knew what was going on and who could begin to help me.

Well...I wanted to get started so here's my brief introduction. I'll be back.


1 comment:

SoBo Classifieds said...

Hey! This is awesome - very cool design. I linked to you in mine just now. Can't wait to read more!

Thanks for the pep talk today - C