Sunday, March 11, 2007

One of those days

well. today is one of those days. it's difficult to describe to someone who doesn't have a chronic illness such as fibromyalgia - but here's my best attempt. i'm tired. overwhelmingly tired. i couldn't get out of bed until almost 3:00 this afternoon and now i'm out of bed and i want to go back. My strongest feeling is guilt as i've had to ask my dad to get A and take him to his house for dinner. and i will also miss dinner with my brother and his family which makes me sad.

my back hurts. i've been taking my pain medication and my back still has pain out of control. my brain is fuzzy. i'm trying new allergy medication and my nose is very dry.

"the shoulds" are taking over. i should get out of bed. i should try my hardest. i should ignore the pain. i should be with my family.

but not today. today i rest and feel alone. such is this illness.

Thursday, March 1, 2007


Greetings y'all. I've decided to blog. To become a blogger. I'm excited. I mostly want a place to talk about fibromyalgia with a little bit of crafty girl stuff and photography tossed into the mix. And every now and then I'll add a dash of feminist theology and life experience. What fun!

I've had fibromyalgia (FM) since I was about 15 years old. So over 20 years now. My first symptoms began to show themselves when I was 20-21 and I became so sick when I was 27-28 that I ended up in the Mayo Clinic in MN and was formally diagnosed at that time. Before that, like most other with FM, I had been told that my pain, etc. was all in my head. Well, the migraines were in my head but the pain was everywhere else and I finally found someone who knew what was going on and who could begin to help me.

Well...I wanted to get started so here's my brief introduction. I'll be back.
